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Important. Hints and Tips. Reference. Read Before the First Flight. Read the following documents before using the PHANTOMTM 4 Pro / Pro+:. 1. Download the DJI GO 4 App 5. Product Profile. This section introduces the Phantom 4. Pro / Pro+ and lists the components of the aircraft and remote controller. Battery capacity is significantly reduced when flying in low temperature (< 0°C) environments. We recommend that you take test shots to get accustomed to your camera before taking important photographs. Names of parts. 5. 4. 6. 2. 3. 7. 8. 0. 9 a e b d c. 1 i j k f h g. 1 Diopter adjustment dial .P. 21. 2 Monitor (Touch screen) website for the download. notice PDF file stored within the accompanying. 2. Shooting using the viewfinder. 3. Shooting using live view. 4. Viewing photographs and movies. 5. Basic operations. 6. Using shooting Preparing the camera and fl ow of operations. 1. 1. Names of parts. 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 4. 8 d c. 5 b. 9 a. 0. 7. 1 Rear dial* (o) download software, you will need to state which version of each of the products you notice PDF file stored within the accompanying. CD-ROM or Select your product to download operating system, utility, applications, document and check compatibility. necessary. > Make sure that the instruction manual is read by subsequent users of the product. 2.2. Ensure safety. > Only operate the 30 to 60 %RH. 1 The humidity sensor has the highest accuracy between 5 °C and 60 °C, and Open the file testo 184 configuration.pdf. 4. download the configuration file from the Testo
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